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Back To One

Jul 5, 2022

Read just a sample of Juliette Binoche's credits—“Mauvais Sang,” “Three Colors: Blue,” “Damage,” “The English Patient,” “Chocolat,” “Certified Copy,” “Clouds of Sils Maria,” “Let The Sunshine In”—and one thing becomes clear: few actors have been as internationally respected for such a sustained period of time. In this episode, she speaks about the importance of acting from the body, and learning to use “sensation” as a starting point. She tells a story about feeling lost on the set of John Boorman’s "In My Country," and what set her free should be a lesson to all directors. She talks about how the difficult circumstances surrounding the production of her two newest films, “Both Sides of the Blade” and “Between Two Worlds,” actually served her process. Plus much more! 

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